Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day


For these precious little people who made me a mommy. 
For Sunday lunch to share with family

For my hubby who is a true partner in parenting,
who picked out beautiful flowers for me,
and who is currently cleaning
the kitchen so I can write. :)
For grandparents who live nearby,
so my kids get to grow up with them. 
For a Mother's Day weekend spent planting
my and veggies. 

Other things to be thankful for:

My Mama! She just takes good care of me. Even at 36.

My Mother's Day started off with 8 beautiful hours of sleep. (You could have stopped it right there and I'd have been happy.)

We have a new worship leader at church, and he did such a good job of, well, leading people in worship.

My girlfriends who have gone through long, painful years of infertility. It could have made them bitter, but instead, they let it drive them deeper into the Lord, and they are some of the most loving, grounded, real women I know. I always think of them on days like today—and others who long to become mothers. For you, I will share the words of my friend Ivette, who says it better than I could:

"Happy Mother's Day to everyone longing for motherhood today. Your hope itself sets you apart, and I pray you feel honored, cherished and cared for as the life-giving woman you are."

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