Saturday, March 1, 2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Welcome to the Family

Lorien and Josiah love listening to Kids Praise (Psalty) music these days. Oh, what a throwback to my childhood!

One song that's struck me as particularly appropriate as we get to know Elijah is this one:

Welcome To the Family

Welcome to the family
We're glad that you have come
To share your life with us
As you grow in love and 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Elijah is born!

Elijah Young Keffer was born on February 12!

To tell the story of Elijah's birth, I have to go back and recap Lorien's and Josiah's, because both of those had a lot of bearing on how this little guy came into the world.

Friday, January 31, 2014

January Recap

We're just getting it out of our system...

All the things we don't want to deal with after baby is born next month, we're just doing them now: surgery, sickness, teething, travel. Suffice it to say that January has been a little difficult.

After SIX different courses of antibiotics for Josiah's ear infections between June and November, mama had enough of the antibiotics. It made me sick to think of what we were doing to his little digestive system with all that. It was time for tubes.

On January 9, we headed up to Denver EARLY in the morning. Like 4:30 early. The surgery itself took about 10 minutes, and Josiah did great. We also had a great experience with both Dr. Sheri Poznanovic and the Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children. I'd recommend them for anyone needing a pediatric ENT.